Achieving Self-Confidence with Online CBT: Learn How to Improve Your Self-Worth

CBT is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on how thoughts and behaviors influence our emotions and beliefs. It is used to help people recognize and change unhealthy or unhelpful thinking patterns and behaviors. In online CBT, the therapist and client communicate through video chat or audio calls.  If you're looking to get a professional CBT therapy then you may visit

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Learning to Recognize Unhelpful Thinking Patterns

One of the main goals of online CBT is to help you identify and modify any unhelpful thoughts and beliefs that might be preventing you from achieving your goals. This process involves recognizing and challenging any negative thoughts that could be holding you back. 

For example, if you find yourself telling yourself that you are not capable of achieving something, you can challenge this thought by thinking about times you have achieved something in the past. This will help you to recognize that you do have the capability of achieving your goals and gaining self-confidence.

Creating Positive Self-Beliefs

Another goal of online CBT is to help you create positive self-beliefs. This involves recognizing and replacing any negative thoughts with positive ones. 

For example, if you find yourself telling yourself you are not good enough, you can challenge this thought by focusing on your strengths and recognizing the things you do well. This can help to build your self-esteem and give you the confidence to pursue your goals.


Online CBT can be a great tool to help you gain self-confidence and improve your self-worth. It can help you to recognize and challenge any unhelpful thoughts and beliefs, as well as create positive self-beliefs.