Evolution Of Railings – From Wood To Aluminium

Today's architecture has undergone many drastic changes compared to several decades ago.

This is especially true for materials used today. With advances in chemistry, large and heavy raw materials were rapidly being replaced by substitutes that were lighter, but stronger and stronger.

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For example, if we believe in fences, then in the past the largest number of balconies, staircases, and balusters has seen wood as the most important material.

But if you think about the smooth and hard properties of wood, everything will cost a lot of money.

Then over the last few years we have noticed that wood has been replaced by stainless steel, which is perhaps one of the most beautiful discoveries of the last century.

Stainless steel offers not only durability and strength, but also elegance and attractiveness. However, steel jobs are difficult to form into complex shapes so they will be dropped at a later time.

Aluminum Fences As long as a beautiful, high-performance fence can withstand, aluminum is the material that can really take the cake away.

 Apart from the fact that aluminum can be reworked to get the exact same finish as stainless steel, aluminum can also be more flexible and ultimately cost a lot less.

The quality that really separates aluminum fences from fences is that they can be taken to almost any shape the architect has specified.

Aluminum is easy to roll in almost any shape and easier to transport because of its lighter weight.