Imaportance Of Glass Fusing with Dichroic

The first thing to keep in mind when fusing dichroic glass is that as with all glass that is used for glass fusion the glass must be compatible. Glass that is not floating or window glass is typically incompatible, so is best avoided.

Take a look at a few glass producers and look through their designs. On the other side of the description, you'll find that every piece of glass is identified by a COE number that is usually 90 or 104. It is necessary to fuse glass with glasses of the same COE, and not cross them. Combining COE's causes breaking as the glass expands and shrinks during the firing process. Check this website out to order patterned dichroic glass.

COE, also known as the coefficient of expansion, is an indicator of the degree of expansion that glass goes through when it's being heated.

CBS Dichroic Balloons 3 Pattern on Thin Black Glass COE96

Dichroic glass is available in a clear or black base. Black can be used as an element of the base. Clear is best applied over a darker base because the coating will become unnoticeable in bright light.

If you're employing multiple layers of dichroic glasses, you should be aware that the sides coated do not have to touch. Be aware that this coating metal oxide. The fact that two of these are directly connected is a sign that the glass is unable to be fused correctly, which can result in broken patterns or distorted glass.

The glass could be utilized as an interior layer or top layer and left uncapped. If it's uncapped, the glass gives a metallic look and is extremely resilient to scratch. The coating that isn't fired must be handled with care since prolonged exposure to water may cause damage to the coating and make it extremely vulnerable to scratches.

The glass's coating is less brittle than art glass, but it's compatible with the majority of. It is generally advised not to be fired above 810 degrees Celsius however firing over 800 degrees is considered to be risky. Temperatures vary from the kiln too. Be aware when working using dichroic glass. Overuse can lead to the coating getting damaged because it melts away in the incinerator.