Landscaping Tips For Smaller Spaces

You don't have to live in cramped spaces or cluttered landscaping just because your yard is small. 

The professional landscape contractors from experienced garden paving companies via have some great tips for making small spaces look larger, making your yard appear bigger, and keeping things flowing in an orderly and pleasing way.

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Fences can be useful for keeping your pets and the neighborhood children safe, but they can also make your yard look smaller. Blending your yard with the neighbors' plants and foliage makes it appear larger. The same goes for trees, shrubs, or plants that are close to the property line.

This makes spaces appear larger and more appealing. Be sure to not block the view from trees on the other side, and avoid trees that could fall fruit in your neighbor's backyard.

The little walkway that runs parallel to your home is an area that can be beautified and used. It can be used to get a glimpse into the backyard, or you could make a narrower garden.

You can make the most of both your front and back yard by making the most of them. No matter how small your front yard is, a well-kept one will draw the eye. A combination of flowers, shrubs, and trees will give your front yard a beauty that compensates for any lack of space.