Livestock Farming: Definition And Benefits

Livestock is simply the management and breeding of domesticated animals, or livestock for the purpose of obtaining meat and products (milk, eggs, skin, etc.).

It can also be described as an economic activity which includes raising domestic animals for human consumption and obtaining meat, milk, wool, fur, honey, etc. You can also click for more info about livestock farming.

Animal husbandry is one of the oldest human economic activities initiated by early humans. This ensures the delivery of food, skins, bones, milk, and other animal products without going into the forest to hunt. These farms include raising cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, poultry, rabbits, snails, fish, and honey bees.

What Are The Importance And Use Of Livestock?

Livestock farming is an important activity in the development of mankind and continues to occupy a prominent place among the main activities of the world economy. It produces high-quality foods such as meat, eggs, milk, cheese, and more.

Other sectors of the local economy benefit directly or indirectly from their activities: the food, handicraft, tourism, and hospitality industries.

It is one of the few truly sustainable productive human economic activities. This creates job opportunities and serves as a source of income. It can also be a hobby for some.

This can help a country generate foreign exchange income by exporting animal products. This will further strengthen the value of the local currency.