Making Fused Art Glass Jewelry At Home Using A Glass Fusing Kiln

With skills that are easily learned, many people are making cast art glass jewelry at home.

Fused glass jewelry has risen in popularity in recent years, fusing supplies, tools, and classes have grown rapidly as more people have come to realize the beauty of fused glass art.

The melting takes place in an electric hot glass melting furnace where the pieces of glass are heated until they soften and are fused into one piece.

The glass is first to cut into shape and placed inside the melting furnace, then the melting temperature is set and the pieces will fuse as the furnace goes through its melting and cooling cycle. You can find best kiln art glass from

The glass can simply be fused side by side or stacked and fused or fused in other ways. Glass melting molds can be used to produce beautifully finished parts.

Being able to fuse and manipulate colored melting glass pieces in an electric furnace to your own personal design is extremely satisfying.

There's nothing like the joy and sense of accomplishment when taking the first few pieces out of the oven.

It can produce art glass pendants, fused glass earrings, cuff bracelets, glass beads, and many other fused glass jewelry items.

Fusible products are on the market from various manufacturers in a wide range of colors, textures, and styles; colored stringers, rods, shards, powders and various grades of crushed glass called frit are also available.

The wide range of supplies available allows you to mix and match colors and designs to your liking.

There are differences between the glasses of some manufacturers; which means that some vessels cannot be fused.

Glass expands and contracts at a particular rate, this is called the coefficient of expansion (COE).

Two of the most popular glasses are 90 COE or 96 Coe. COE 90 fuses only with another vessel of the same COE and not with COE 96.

Some artists like to include metal pieces in their designs. Copper, silver, sterling silver, gold, bronze, and palladium are just some of the metals used.