Most Common Types of Disability Insurance

If you are considering purchasing disability insurance, there are a few things you should know in order to find the right company. First, consider your needs and what type of coverage you need. Then, research the best disability insurance companies to see which one is best for you. 

Finally, make sure to speak with a representative from the company you have chosen about your policy and how it works. 

1. Prescription drug coverage: This can be important if you are a smoker, have high blood pressure, or take other medications that could be affected by a disability.

2. Disability income coverage: This will provide funds to help with your living expenses while you are unable to work.

3. Accident insurance: This will help cover medical costs and lost wages in the event of an accident.

4. Life insurance: This can provide financial assistance if you lose your life as a result of a disability.

5. Disability income replacement coverage: This will help cover your income in the event that you cannot work due to a disability.

Finally, be sure to check out the company's financial stability before signing up for disability insurance. Some companies go through financial hardships that could lead to them shutting down or raising rates unexpectedly.