The Different Types Of Dental Crowns And Their Treatment Options

Dental crowns are an effective way to protect a damaged tooth or improve its overall appearance. They are often used to restore a tooth’s shape, size, and strength, or to cover a dental implant. There are several different types of dental crowns, each with its own unique benefits and treatment options. 

Porcelain Crowns 

Porcelain crowns are the most common type of dental crown. They are made to match the color of the natural teeth and are highly durable and resistant to staining and chipping. Porcelain crowns are ideal for people with healthy gums and who want a natural-looking restoration. If you want to get a porcelain crown you may visit

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Gold Crowns 

Gold crowns are made from a combination of metals including gold, copper, and other alloys. This type of crown is highly durable and resistant to wear and tear. Gold crowns are ideal for people who need extra strength and protection for their teeth. Treatment options include a more involved procedure to prepare the existing tooth structure for the crown. 

Zirconia Crowns

Zirconia crowns are made from a ceramic material and are strong, durable, and stain-resistant. They are ideal for people who want a natural-looking restoration and a strong and long-lasting solution. Treatment options include a preparatory procedure to shape the existing tooth for the crown. 

Resin Crowns

Resin crowns are made from a composite material and are the least expensive type of dental crown. They are ideal for people who want a quick and affordable solution to a damaged tooth. Treatment options include a simple procedure that requires minimal removal of the existing tooth structure.