Types of Furnace Problems in Surrey

There are many types of furnace problems that homeowners may experience, and each requires a specific type of repair. This guide will identify the most common furnace problems and explain how to fix furnaces

If your furnace is not heating or cooling your home, it's likely that there is a problem with the air conditioning unit. To find out if this is the case, you can try to turn on the thermostat in both the furnace and air conditioning unit. If the two units are working correctly, then the issue lies elsewhere. 

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In cases where the furnace does not work at all, it's important to rule out other possible causes before assuming that it's due to a problem with the heating element. These include blocked filters or vents, dirty coils, or broken parts inside the furnace. If you're unable to determine what's causing your furnace problem, a professional technician can inspect it for you and give you an accurate estimate for repairs. 

If you suspect that your gas fireplace has gone out, be sure to ignite it using a lighter first in case there is still gas inside. If there is no gas inside, open all of the flu doors and check for blockages. If everything looks OK, call a professional technician to clean out any debris that may have built up over time. 

If you experience frequent problems with your furnace, it may be time to replace it. A professional technician can help you choose the right model for your home and install it properly.