Types Of Pet Stain Removal in Arlington

One of the most common pet stains is urine. Urine can be hard to remove, and if its not removed quickly, it can start to stain carpets, furniture, and other surfaces. If you have a pet that has accidents, or if you simply have a lot of people in your home who have pets, you might find yourself dealing with Pet Odor Treatment in Arlington On a regular basis.

There are a few different types of pet stains that require different removal techniques. Here are the most common:

1) Blood Stains: If blood is present, use a cleaner and baking soda to clean the area and then apply a stain-specific enzyme cleaner.

2) Urine Stains: Urine can be removed using an enzymatic cleaner, kitty litter, or boiling water. Let the area dry completely before using any other cleaning products.

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3) Faeces/Poop: Remove faeces with a vacuum cleaner, enzyme cleaner, or kitty litter. Poop should be picked up and disposed of in an appropriate container.

4) Tear Stain: If a tear has occurred, apply a fabric softener and let it sit for a few minutes. Wet the area with water and sponge clean.

5) Chewing Stains: If chewing has occurred, treat with an enzymatic cleaner. Let the area dry completely and then use a vacuum cleaner to remove any residual stains.

Some pet stains may require multiple cleaning techniques to remove them completely. Always consult with a professional if you are not sure how to clean a specific type of pet stain.